Check cookies and data transfer for GDPR compliance

The GDPR applies to all websites with visitors from EU countries and imposes significant fines for non-compliance. Our free tool audits website cookies, online tracking and HTTPS usage. The report shows where GDPR cookie consent or SSL is required

* includes automatic browsing of website public pages under the terms of service


How to add cookie consent to your website

To correctly implement and configure the cookie consent banner on your website, follow this simple guide
Who is our service for:
For web users
  • check website before using it and sending your personal data
  • find out if you are being tracked on the site without your prior consent
For site owners
  • check your site's cookies for GDPR and ePrivacy compliance and get a quick report
  • find out if you need to obtain cookie consent
  • create cookie consent banner if needed and test it to ensure it is GDPR compliant
  • get a list of resources where SSL usage is required
For partners
  • attract new customers with us
  • free limited API access
  • dedicated API access, on request
  • contact us for details